Sister Nayeli Andrade will be serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She will be serving in the Canada Montreal Mission, Spanish speaking. Nayeli starts Home MTC on November 4th. She'll report to the Provo MTC and then report to the field on December 18th.
Esteban and Erica Andrade, of the Summer Crest ward, East Stake are her parents.
Sister Nayeli Andrade will speak on October 27th, in the Whipple Chapel at 10:30.

Sister Andrade testimony:
I know that we have a Father in Heaven that’s loves us and watches over us. That He set up the most perfect plan for us and wants us to return to live with Him. I also know the Savior lives and He knows us personally and loves us so much, and His atonement makes it possible for us to repent and become better each day. I know families are forever and that the temple is the house of the Lord where we can feel His peace and find rest. I know the church is true, that we have a living prophet that gives council and guidance for our day. I also know that the Book of Mormon is true and that we can find joy as we study it daily. In the name of Jesus Christ of Amen.