My name is Marian Leavitt, my parents are Ben and Sarah Leavitt! I’m from the Bunkerville 2nd Ward! I have been called to serve in the Washington DC South mission! I start home MTC May 27th and will do that for a week and a half then head out to the Provo Missionary Training Center and will be there for 2 weeks! I leave For Washington DC June 20th. My missionary email is
Sister Marian Leavitt will be giving her farewell talk Sunday May 26 at 9:00am in the Bunkerville chapel!

Sister Leavitt Testimony
I’m beyond excited to serve the people of DC! I know this is exactly where the Lord needs me and wants me to serve! The gospel is so true and I can’t wait to go out and share it. I have a testimony that this church is true and our prophets are here to lead and guide us. I’m so thankful for Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us so we can return back to our Father in Heaven.