Sister Kallie Graves returned home after serving her mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
She served in the São Paulo West Brazil mission, her primary assignment being to labor in the São Paulo Brazil Temple Visitor's Center. Sister Graves will attend SUU in the fall and study nursing.
Kallie's parents are Trent and Keri Graves of Mesquite 2nd Ward.

Sister Graves' Testimony:
Why do I follow Jesus Christ? Because I have seen the tear stains on the plates. My testimony is as simple as that. I do not follow Jesus Christ to be happy or to have peace, hope, purpose, or whatever the blessing is at the end of the lesson that life is. I follow Jesus Christ because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that it is true. All of it. That is why I suffer the “bread of adversity and the water of affliction” because mine eyes have seen my teachers.