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Seminary Graduation

Writer's picture: Mesquite Nevada StakeMesquite Nevada Stake

By Cheryl Jensen

Seminary Graduation was held on Sunday, May 19 for the Mesquite East and West Stakes. The theme for the year was “Trust in the Lord” from 2 Nephi 22:2. Thirty-two students received certificates and a picture of the Savior for completing their four years of classes. Each of the Bishops presented the certificates and congratulated the students from their ward.

Old Mill Ward: Reggi Frei, Kately Hansen, Gavin Hughes and Connor Zarate. Littlefield Ward: Steven Garlick and Emma Gonzales. Scenic Ward: Cydney Rowley. Summer Crest Ward: Cameron Spilker, Dylan Vellinga and Drake Wakefield. Valley View Ward: Gunner McOmie, Wesley Walker, Connor Wilson, and Cameron Wright. Vistas Ward: Olivia Martinez and Mattea Wahl. Arrowhead Ward: Rex Rasmussen and Harlee Tobler. Bunkerville 1st: : Daiken Abbott, Michael Anderson, Emma Avila, Ellie Clark, Chandon Jensen, and Caiden Jones. Bunkerville 2nd: Kurt Felix and Jessa Owsley. Heritage Ward: Nechelle Thornton. Willows Ward: Brynn Andrus, Jacob Hafen, Monea Mulitalo, Dodger Smith and Jenna Walters.

Three members of the seminary council told how attending seminary had helped them. Kurt Felix said seminary had changed his life. He said he is more spiritually minded and he refers to Pres. Nelson’s admonition to ‘Think Celestial’ when he has choices to make. There is great power in words and he recalled the quote from his teachers, “When you walk across the street, is your speech different and do you act differently in school because you choose to let the principles you learned be part of you? Lift others up and not down.” He added, “When I got upset about something, my mother would ask, “Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things?”

Cameron Wright told how seminary had prepared him for a mission in McAllen, Texas, and his classes had a positive impact on him. “It made me get into a routine and habit and because my class was small it forced me to participate more and therefore it prepared me for life. Bro. Porter, my teacher, also became my good friend.”

Brynn Andrus spoke of Trust in God and relying on the Lord who understands our trials. She has tried to focus on the covenants and as she moves away from home and on to the next chapter in her life, she will remember the promises of the Savior – “for He will always be there for us.”

Bro. Nathan Porter, principal, spoke about the bus ride home from the state baseball championship on Saturday and how the boys sang – not always on pitch, not all the words, but most sang with all their might. He asked the students to imagine putting in a CD with 7 tracks and singing the words they knew to the following primary songs: Track 1 – Families can be together Forever; Track 2 –Follow the Prophet, Track 3 – I love to see the Temple, Track 4 – I’m Trying to be like Jesus; Track 5 – Keep the Commandments; Track 6 – Search Ponder and Pray; Track 7 – When I am Baptized. He related the words of the songs to life and “as you sing let yourself reach new heights and you will hit notes you didn’t know you could reach. Follow the Prophet for He does know the way! You can go inside the temple someday. Love as Jesus did. Keep the Commandment for obedience brings safety. Search and prayerfully read the scriptures each day and search them each day! Sing along that you want your life to be as clean as earth after the rain. The Savior does know the way!

“There will be other bus rides and other bus drivers and there will be discounted fares but there is no real way to quickly arrive at the best destination. Jesus Christ is the bus driver that will get you there – get on the right bus with the right bus driver.” He quoted Alma 5:25 – ‘If you have experienced a change

of heart sing the song of redeeming love.’ Bro. Porter said, “These are 7 simple soundtracks that help you make it back to Heavenly Father safely.”

Pres. Ryan Toone of the East Stake spoke in Norwegian – “Tusen Takk” meaning 1,000 thank you to the students for completing four years of learning the gospel in seminary and to the parents for their support and encouragement. He sang the scripture - 2 Nephi:9 as his wife had taught his family to sing the scriptures so they could memorize and recall them.

He told of his rappelling experience going down a cliff 14 stories deep. They had to make a safety plan and also had to trust the equipment and the others in the group. Once they started, they had to make a decision on each clip but each knew they could not deviate from the plan and still rappel safely. He compared this to the path we are on and that we must continue to harken to the council of God, “consider on the happy, blessed state of those that keep the word of God. He concluded by saying, “Stay on the path of peace. Jesus beckons us back.”

Pres. Jared Hollingshead of the West Stake, spoke of Loyalty – loyalty to friends and family, loyal to the teachings of Christ. He told the story of Seargent Stewart from Idaho who was 65” tall, 150 lbs. never chosen to be on athletic teams in spite of trying out for teams. While serving in Korea, Stewart was under the command of Lt. Jackson – 6’ 7” and 245 lbs. They came under enemy fire and Lt. Jackson was severely wounded but managed to drag himself behind a boulder for protection while the others were able to escape up the hill. The other men wanted to move on saying that Jackson, being severely wounded. was probably already gone.

Stewart said we are not leaving Jackson behind and he asked for a volunteer to go and try to carry him back. After 30 minutes they returned unsuccessfully. Stewart was emphatic that they would not leave the Lt. so he climbed down the hill and taking off his helmet asked Jackson to pray with him. He asked God, “I need the help and strength of 10 to carry him up the hill to an aid station; this man is a loyal friend and needs help. I know, Father, that thou hast promised the strength of ten to him whose heart and hands are clean and pure. I feel that I can qualify. Please, Dear Lord, grant me this blessing.” Stewart put his helmet back on, cradled the Lt. on his shoulders and blessed with the strength of 10, carried the lieutenant up the hill to safety.

Pres. Hollingshead asked the students to develop the quality of loyalty to friends, family and Jesus Christ. “Be loyal, be brave, faithful, clean and strong in the gospel of Jesus Christ.”


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