David Jay Anderson
Dearest Brothers and Sisters, With a desire to be responsive to the current concerns in Nevada, we have been asked by the Area presidency to make the following temporary modifications until, at least the end of November: 1. As you know, the number of in-person participants in our Sunday worship services has been reduced from 150 to 99 OR LESS. 2. We are allowed small youth gatherings to be held in-person on days other than Sunday with the stipulation that they be limited to individual quorums and classes. To comply with the spirit of the Governor’s request we ask that these gatherings be limited to activities that have a religious purpose. 3.We have noted some challenges in how personal safety standards are maintained in gatherings when feelings and emotions are tender. To be cautious, we are now asked that in-person attendance at baptismal services, funerals, weddings and receptions be limited to immediate family members and those who officiate. All others should be invited to participate virtually. Local priesthood leaders are asked to work with individuals and families to determine how best to address safety measures and to limit attendance at these important events. 4. We also ask that stake and ward council meetings, coordination meetings, and other large leadership meetings be conducted using technology. 5. FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS - We will continue to have Sunday worship services (webcast streamed – see link below), followed by the blessing and passing of the Sacrament (not streamed). http://mywebcast.churchofjesuschrist.org/Events/mesquitenevadastake **** WE ASK THAT THOSE WHO HAVE THE ABILITY TO PARTAKE OF THE SACRAMENT AT HOME, DO SO. WE HOPE THAT WORSHIP SERVICES AT OUR CHAPELS WILL BE SMALL IN NUMBER, TO HELP ENSURE SOCIAL DISTANCING AND ASSIST THOSE WHO ARE WITHOUT A PRIESTHOOD HOLDER IN THE HOME TO HAVE ACCESS TO THE SACRAMENT.**** Most importantly, we ask that you be vigilant in maintaining well-known safety measures and in avoiding informal congregating before and after meetings and activities. We are grateful for your support and your desire to protect others, especially those who have medical conditions or are of an age which puts them most at risk. I pray that you might find peace, joy and happiness. Please love one another and find ways to help your neighbor. As you look to the needs of others you will find answers to your own needs.