Burdens to Blessings was held on Saturday, October 19 at the Mesquite Nevada stake center parking lot. It was a great time to clean out your closets and help others in need of clothing, books and small household items. Thank you to all those that donated to the event and for those that set up the tables and signs to mark the areas of clothing sizes. The stake Relief Societies of both stakes were helping set up and direct people to find items they could use: the East Stake presidency members are Jamie Spilker, president, and counselors, LaNae Griffiths, Shannon Hughes, and Laura McOmie and the West Stake presidency members are
Kathy Abbot, president, with counselors Val Lystrop, Chelsie Abbot and Nova Mastrogiovanni, the service coordinator. Thank you to the city of Mesquite for the signage to invite the community to the yard sale. It was held on Saturday, October 19 at the Mesquite Nevada Stake Center parking lot.