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Mesquite Stake Devotional

Geraldine Zarate

For the first time ever Mesquite Nevada Stake joined together virtually for a Sunday evening devotional on September 20th. A link was sent to all members of the stake so that they could have access via the internet to this special gathering because of the restrictions on meetings during the Covid 19 shutdown.

Special musical numbers were provided throughout the meeting bringing a sacred, worshipful spirit. The Alex and Heather Blazzard family sang “There is Peace in Christ“. Halie Spilker sang “The Miracle”. Tishelle Tew sang “I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe “. Brian Wursten sang “Savior,Redeemer of my Soul”. Deborah Baker sang “My Shepard Shall Supply My Needs”. Jill Laub and Kristie Daley presented a violin duet of “How Great Thou Art”. Emily Hill presented a piano interpretation of “Abide With Me”. The final number was Shaye Whipple singing “It Is Well With Me”.

The speakers during the devotional were the members of the stake presidency. Brother Lauren Abbott asked what we would do if the condition of the world was the “new normal”? He assured us that it would be alright if we kept listening to our prophet and taking the time to “hear” our Savior.

Brother Danny Allen told us things are not so bad. He told of what he feels was the most frightening time in his life. His wife was having a critical surgery which could have gone “either way”. He looks back at that close brush with the possibility of losing her and says “ That was bad. That was fear.“ Put things in prospective. Heavenly Father is in charge. There is so much hope. Don’t be frightened. Have faith. Things are going to work out.

President David Anderson reminded us “We are so blessed!“ Our lives are good. Stay calm, positive and hopeful. Take this opportunity to renew our belief in the Savior and be valiant in that faith! He asked that we stay mindful of others and be kind to everyone. Smile and thank those that serve us. Stand fast. President Anderson also stated how pleased and happy he was with this effort to gather virtually. “I’m excited! I can think of many ideas for meetings like this!” Then he promised “We’re going to have more!”

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