Dear Friends and Neighbors of the Mesquite Nevada Stake,
First of all I wanted to invite any of you in this Stake who have not had the opportunity of partaking of the Sacrament to please contact your Elders Quorum President or Relief Society President to make arrangements to receive the Sacrament in your home.
With everything that is going on I have missed two Stake Conferences and the opportunity of meeting with the members of this Stake that I have grown to love and appreciate for all that each of you do. I was sick for the first one and the other was canceled during this pandemic. I really feel a void by not meeting with each of you and being able to bear my Testimony to you and to share my love for all of you. Elder Jeffery R. Holland said, “Not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with-here, now, everyday”. As we see and hear all of the wonderful acts of kindness that are going on everyday in this Stake it really is true that we are surrounded by Angels.
I really like an article written by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf entitled “Mask your face, don’t mask your heart”. He talks about what he and his wife Harriet are doing during these times. He says we need to focus on what we can do, rather than on what we cannot do. Look for ways to be close to others even when we cannot physically be close to them and like he says we can mask our faces, but please don’t mask your hearts. Please continue to love and minister to those around us and those far away.
I would like to remind each of us of an invitation from our Prophet President Russell M. Nelson:
“My dear friends, today I wish to share with you a special invitation. There are a few wonderful occasions in the scriptures when our Heavenly Father personally introduced His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, with a specific charge to “Hear Him!” Today, this most important invitation from our loving Heavenly Father to listen to the voice of the Lord and to follow His teachings is extended to us. In this special year, as we commemorate the 200th anniversary of the First Vision, I invite you to think deeply and often about this key question: How do you hear Him?” I testify to all of you that he does communicate with each of us in different and simple ways. I have felt his promptings in my heart many times and I know they are real. I continue to strive to live my life better to be worthy of the tender privilege to “Hear Him”. I extend my love to each of you and promise you that Our Father in Heaven is aware of us and our circumstances and what is going on. We are his children and he loves us and will take care of us in these difficult times, Just “Hear Him” and listen to our Living Prophet and we will be OK.
President Danny Allen