Mesquite Nevada Stake Women’s Conference 2020
Sister Sharon Eubank of the presidency of the General Board of the Relief Society gave an inspiring presentation at the Mesquite Nevada Stake Women’s Conference, January 18th gathering of women age 12 and older.
The theme was from the Doctrine and Covenants, section 25 verse 10.
“Lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better.”
Whatever is keeping us from “feasting” upon the spiritual things must be put aside so that we can partake of that which is the best for us. Relief Society is for us to understand the gospel and express it through each other. We depend so much on each other for the help in this life.
Sister Eubank told us of the four areas that has been chosen for the Relief Society organization to focus on. They are:
Nutrition for Children, Literacy, Emotional Resilience and Prevention of abuse.
She invited each sister to consider where she could help with these subjects by praying and learning more about.
President Anderson ended the conference by telling the sisters “You are doing better than you think you are. I know you, see you and love you.”

Three Generations enjoying Conference with Sister Eubanks.
"Sister Eubanks was so wonderful and the Spirit was so strong. As I listened and learned from her, I couldn't help but feel my Heavenly Father's love, knowing He knew each us. I looked around me at all the sisters attending but my joy was having my daughters and some grand daughters sitting beside me, feeling the Spirit, learning of the great work sisters have in this time". ~Dena Hoff
First off I just want to say that she is an amazing lady. I loved her talk in general conference about how Christ is our light. As I was listening to her at our Women's Conference the thought struck me that it's not about a fancy speaker (although Sister Eubanks is wonderful and I loved having her here and being in her presence) she would want me to know (and I kind of already knew this), but it's all about Christ. The spirit just kind of reminded me of that.
Second of all because Sister Eubanks was here and because of the decorations and her attention to the decorations. I was reminded of a path I was taking to find an answer to a prayer. And a few days later because of this reminder I received the inspiration and answers that I needed. It was truly inspired and although I since doubt myself I know that my answer was right and of God.
Third I was so excited to hear about the work that they are doing in Emotional Resiliency, it's something I am personally working on and would love to hear more about the class/program.
Thank you so much for bringing Sister Eubanks here. It was much looked forward too, much needed, and we are/were greatly blessed. It was indeed a feast.
So thankful for our church leaders, for our prophet, for inspiration and guidance and answers to my prayers, so thankful especially for our Savior Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen. -Staci Jones-

Shonnee Olmstead
Jeanne Clifton
Sister Eubank
Marilynne Belnap
Arlene Hepworth
Marjorie Rampton
Mesquite 8th Branch (Retirement)
Testimony -
Our women’s conference on January 18th was so very good. The spirit was strong and the theme was presented well.
Sister Eubank talked about things that as women we need to think about, like being too busy, thinking we aren’t enough, and how to feast on the gospel.
I thought the sisters who spoke up to share their thoughts and insight each did a fantastic job of keeping on the point and touched my heart.
It is great to live in Mesquite with such wonderful women of faith. ~Jeanne B. Clifton