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Eagle Scouts Ludvigson and Fielding

Cheryl Jensen

Stetson Ludvigson and Tannner Fielding received their Eagle Scout Award at a court of Honor for Troop 2596 sponsored by the Mesquite 5th ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Stetson’s project was repairing and improving the Virgin Valley High School baseball field. Tanner’s project was installing a flag pole at the Mesquite City Cemetery on Hardy Way. Tanner is a Senior at Virgin Valley High School and is a member of the football and baseball teams, Skills USA, Interact Club and the National Honor Society. Stetson is also a senior at VVHS and is a member of the football, wrestling and golf teams. Both scouts said their favorite merit badge was wilderness survival; to complete this they each had to build their own shelter and camp away from the group for a night. Tanner is the son of Keith and Karen Fielding. When he graduates, he wants to serve in the US Air Force. Stetson is the son of Don and Jody Ludvigson and upon graduation, he plans to serve a mission for the LDS church.

Mark Tichenor, scout leader, spoke about the obligation and responsibilities of an Eagle Scout. The first obligation is to live with honor – honor is the foundation of character. An Eagle reflects credit on his family, church and community. The 2nd obligation is loyalty, for without it, character lacks direction; 3rd is courage - that gives character force and strength. The Eagle faces each day unafraid and seeks their share of the world’s work. Fourth is - embark on a life of service - extending a helping hand to those in need; giving aid and comfort to the oppressed and upholding the right of others while defending their own and always doing a good turn daily. “Tichenor told the story of George Coker, Eagle Scout, and a Navy Pilot, shot down over Vietnam who then spent 6 ½ years as a prisoner of war. When he refused to sign a confession of condemnation of the US, he was tortured, put in solitary for 2years spending as many as 13 hours at time with his arms tied over his head. To keep his sanity, he repeated the scout oath and law and toward the end all he could say was ‘On My honor!” Coker said scouting helped him develop his concepts of duty and service. Tichenor quoted Scoutmaster Clark Green who said, “We want to see that every scout has a chance to complete the requirements for Eagle, that way they can spend the rest of their life becoming an Eagle”. Tichenor finished by saying, “Attaining the rank of Eagle is an accomplishment,; then put the badges away and roll up your sleeves, go out and put what you learned to use and remember the words, ‘On my Honor’.”

Ryan Toone gave Stetson and Tanner the Eagle Charge asking them to make the scout sign and repeat these words, “As an Eagle Scout I pledge to follow the scout oath and Scout Law and constantly look for ways to serve God, my family, community, and country. I reaffirm my allegiance to the God given constitution that has made America great. On my honor I will do my best to assist other scouts and make my training and example, my rank and my influence count strongly for better citizenship.”

Brian Haviland, chairman of Virgin River Valley District BSA, presented the awards. The mothers pinned the Eagle Ribbon and badge on their sons. Tanner and Stetson presented pins to their parents to thank them for their support and help in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Tanner presented his mentor pins to Charlie Lee for pressing him to complete merit badges and his project. He also presented a mentor pin to Duane Thurston who was always there for him and took him on so many camping trips. Stetson presented his mentor pin to Mark Tichenor for teaching him skills and pushing him to complete his Eagle Rank. Haviland presented pocket knives engraved with ‘Eagle Scout’ to remind them of their accomplishment.

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