June 28th was the beginning of this year’s Camp Zion as the participants used the drive to Kolob Mountain to prepare for Heart of Zion theme which included memorizing a scripture and a hymn. Approximately 110 Young Women and Young Men 16-18 years camped out from Wednesday to Friday and were kept busy with classes and activities.
Wednesday rotation class subjects were Communication with Heavenly Father and others, Recognizing and Understanding the Spirit, You Are Loved, and Friends and Examples.
Thursday class subjects covered My Purpose as a Missionary and in Gathering Israel, The Purpose of Eternal Families: Roles of Men and Women, My Purpose in Getting an Education, and Building Relationships of trust and Working with Others.
The Stake leaders and those in charge of Camp Zion were determined to help all the youth who attended to understand their roles, responsibilities and potential as they strive to live righteous, steadfast lives.
Beside the spiritual and serious work that they did the kids had fun and were well fed. Time was set aside each evening for quiet discussions and Q&A sessions.
It was a busy few days on the mountain that allowed the Young Men and Women to be device free and concentrate on their spiritual futures.
A testimony meeting for the youth was held Sunday June 30th at the Stake Center giving all who wanted the opportunity to share their feelings about Camp Zion.
Thoughts from some of the youth:
Camp Zion this year was amazing. I learned so much. One of the biggest things I learned was loving others but not only that I also needed to love myself and have confidence in myself. I was asked to be a group leader and didn't know how well I was going to do. I looked at the list of kids I had and realized that a lot of them could've fit the place better and were spiritual giants. One of the lessons given by Brother Dodenbier was about the parable of the talents. Something I never realized was that the one with fewer talents and the one with more received the same blessing because they had given their everything so I realized from that point on I was going to give my everything for myself and for my group. I felt peace as I faithfully encouraged my group and gave my all. Overall camp Zion was an amazing experience and I loved every part of it. I felt the our father in heaven and our Savior's love for me. The spirit was undoubtedly evident. I am so grateful I had this experience.
Jeremy Perkins
Camp Zion helped prepare me for my mission by allowing me to learn from many different leaders and allowing me to have a group of friends around me. It helped my testimony of gathering Zion because as all of the youth stood together in unity, I knew that this church is true and we are the chosen generation to further the work.
Jaxon Snarr
Camp Zion was an awesome experience. The greatest thing that stood out about it was the sense of love. Everyone was loving to everyone they saw and looked for opportunities to serve. The lessons were amazing and uplifting. The spirit was strongly felt during them. We learned about making and keeping sacred covenants, and that we prepare for them by living worthily of them now. I learned more about what I can do to prepare to be a Melchizedek priesthood holder, missionary, husband, and father. I left the mountain with a stronger testimony of Jesus Christ and the profound love he has for me and everyone around me. I am grateful for the opportunity to go and for the amazing leaders in this valley who selflessly served us so willingly.
Coleman West
**Thank you Melissa Julien for the wonderful photos.