Cub Scout Day Camp for boys age 8-10 at the Whipple Church and Heritage Park on Saturday, April 27, was sponsored by the Mesquite Nevada Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The activities were centered around the theme of “Construction.” Eighty boys in Wolf, Bear and Webelos Dens received a yellow “Construction” T-shirt and a tool belt to hold their water and supplies. Construction games were held with teams putting on work clothes, boots, gloves and hard hat and racing to see which team could “get to work on time.” Another group was building wooden tool boxes with the help of adult leaders and learning about safely using tools, first aid and safety glasses. “Cub who Care group experienced maneuvering wheel chairs, walkers and crutches to learn empathy for handicap persons. They tried dribbling a basketball while in their wheelchair. The wolves got to dig in the past and find dinosaur bones and then learned about the layers that make up the ground by making snacks with layers of pudding, pretzels, cookie crumbs and gummy worms on top to represent the different layers and rocks found in the earth.
Officer Goodsell brought his police dog and showed the scouts how they have trained the dog to help with situations. The scouts were excited to be able to pet the dog and see him work. Brent Hughes organized the BB gun shooting range and the archery range. Colt Sawyer taught the cub scouts how to check the pulse of a person if they are hurt and to give CPR. They practiced on a giant bear and learned to look for signs when a person is hurt and not responding and what to do in an emergency.
The Bears put sails on boats and raced them for a rain gutter regatta. All the scouts were served lunch with more activities following. Many thanks to the stake primary leaders and for planning and organizing these great learning experiences for the cub scouts.