Earl Ned Hill, III received his Eagle Scout Award at a Court of Honor. He is a member of Troop 2998, sponsored by the Mesquite 7th Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His project was cleaning and painting the curb parking area, painting new parking lines and handicap parking spaces at Mesa View Hospital. He is a freshman at Virgin Valley High School where he is a member of the basketball and swimming teams. He is the son of Ned and Emily Hill.
Kyle Memmott, young men’s president of the 7th ward and scout leader, spoke about the Scout Oath and Law, “Remember the 12 points of the Scout law – Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent - and they will help you in your life. If you remember these 12 points, do your best to serve God and others around you in your family, church and community and honor your country you will achieve much in your life. Respect the flag that represents those who have gone before you and those serving today to protect our country.” Memmott told how impressed he was with the way Ned showed leadership at summer camp. “Ned was older than the rest of the scouts, yet he was an example in his helpfulness and the younger boys looked to him,” Memmott said. He reminded Ned, “Be Prepared” ( the scout motto) by making good choices today as some choices require more preparation in order to make good decisions later; remember that one must live with the consequences – always choose the right.”
Ned Hill, Sr. spoke about his experiences in becoming an Eagle Scout when they had to memorize the Morse Code to advance. He said, “I had to work hard and the merit badges exposed me to a lot of careers and jobs I didn’t want to pursue, but it also helped me get a job I di want. There were 76 candidates for the job I applied for. When I was awarded the job, I asked the interviewer how I was selected over the others. He said, ‘I threw out the 70 that only had a bachelor’s degree; I looked at the six that had a master’s degree to see if any were veterans and found three. Of the three I looked to see if any were Eagle Scouts and you were the only one’ – that is how I got the job. When I served in Vietnam and I needed a job done, I looked for an Eagle Scout or a farm boy because I knew he would get the job done,” Hill said.
Ned Hill, Jr, his father, gave him the Eagle Charge saying, “Becoming an Eagle scout is not a reward but the beginning of a life of service. I charge you to do your duty to your country with loyalty and courage to stand for the principles of freedom, civility, tolerance, justice and the rule of law. Be brave and stand up for these principles when they are threatened. Stand against oppression, cynicism and bigotry and make true the promise of “liberty and justice for all.” I change you to keep yourself physically strong, mentally and intellectually sharp and morally straight. Always be prepared to help others. Be an effective instrument in the hands of God in the service of your country and the service of other people.” He concluded with, “Welcome to the brotherhood of Eagle Scouts.”
Brian Haviland, District Chairman of Virgin River Valley BSA, formed the eagle’s nest by inviting all Eagle Scouts in the audience to come forward and sit together. Troy Hill, Ned’s uncle, presented the Eagle Award and Ned gave his mother and father each a pin in appreciation for their help on the trail to Eagle. Ned said he would like to give the mentor pin to Nathan Smith, his scout leader who helped him and became his friend. Haviland presented Ned with a pocket knife engraved with the words, ‘Eagle Scout.’