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Eagle Scout Isaac Akira Iverson

Cheryl Jensen

Isaac Akira Iverson, member of Troop 2041 of the Bunkerville First Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, received his Eagle Scout Award at a Court of Honor. His project was painting the parking and handicap parking and building a ramp at the Bunkerville library and Community Center. He is a senior at Virgin Valley High School where he is a member of the baseball, and tennis teams, jazz band, concert and marching band. He plans to serve a mission for the LDS church after he graduates. He is the son of Mike and Kaori Iverson.

The speaker, Trent Wilson, said since scouting started in America, less than 4% of the scouts that started have earned their Eagle Award. In 2018 there were 52,00 new Eagle Scouts bringing the total to 2.5 million since its founding in the US. He said, “There were three lessons that Isaac learned along the trail to Eagle – Service, Work and Following through. As a scout moves up the ranks and completing merit badges, he has done about 50 hours of service; then the planning and executing of the project adds another 50-100 hours of service. Isaac, you have learned how to work. Employers like a smart man but, they like someone who knows how to work. Some merit badges are for fun but, most are hard and require individual effort – it is not a group effort. Completing the project and filling out the paper work and organizing people to help required you to follow through to complete the Eagle project. The life lesson learned here is ‘Always finish what you start’ – doing every step. You have learned much, now live what you have learned and help others to hike the trail to Eagle and all of you can soar on Eagle’s wings and be a part of the honored tradition of Scouting; you can be a lighthouse beacon to all you meet.”

Rusty Hughes of the Virgin River District BSA, formed the Eagle’s nest by inviting all the Eagles to come forward and sit together. Isaac’s Eagle escort was Craig Anderson.

Pres. Danny Allen, counselor in the Mesquite Nevada Stake Presidency, gave Isaac the Eagle Charge, “This award is an honor and responsibility and you now have a solemn obligation to your fellow scouts, your country, and God. America has many good things to give you but, these good things depend on the qualities she instills in her citizens. I charge you to be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task to the highest level of service to God and your fellow men. I charge you to dedicate your skills and ability to the common good. So live and serve that those who know you will be inspired to the finest living. Build America on the sound foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God. Welcome to the brotherhood of Eagle Scouts.”

Isaac was presented with his Eagle Badge by Bishop Vern Pollock. Isaac presented a pin to his mother and his father for their help in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Isaac presented his mentor pin to Chis Allen, scoutmaster, who helped him along the trail. Hughes presented Isaac with a pocket knife engraved with ‘Eagle Scout’ to thank him for his service to our community.

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