An Eagle Court of Honor was held for Hakan Cade Anderson. He is a member of Troop 2493 sponsored by the Mesquite 4th ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His project was organizing a fundraiser for the purchase of .22s for the shooting range at the boys and girl’s camp at Kolob. He assembled firearm kits, safety gear and instructions to be used at the shooting range. His favorite merit badges were Indian Lore and swimming. He graduated from Virgin Valley High School in May where was a member of the football, basketball and baseball teams. He will serve a 2-year mission for the LDS church in Argentina. He is the son of Travis and Natalie Anderson.
Ryan Toone, chairman of the Eagle Board, opened the Nation Boy Scout Court of Honor and formed the Eagle’s nest by having all the Eagle Scouts come forward and sit together.
Josey Liddle, Cade’s uncle, told about the symbolism of the Eagle and said that the founding fathers chose the eagle because it can fly higher and see things sharper. As an Eagle Scout Cade has a shown that he is honorable and has made choices to fly higher and reach his goals and has chosen to look for ways to serve his fellowman.
Joe Liddle, his grandfather gave Cade the Eagle Charge saying, “I challenge you to accept the charge and pledgee yourself to live the scout oath and law and continue to look for ways to help in your family, church, and community. I charge you to reaffirm your allegiance to the God given Constitution that made American great. Use your skills and knowledge to make your training, your influence, and example strongly count in your community and nation.” Cade repeated the charge and said, “to this I pledge my sacred honor.”
Liddle presented the Eagle pin to Cade’s mother to pin on his shirt. Cade presented pins to his mother and father to honor them for their help in reaching the rank of Eagle Scout. Cade presented his mentor pin to Kraig Hafen, young men’s president, for helping him set goals and follow through. Hafen said, “Cade is a leader in scouts and whatever he does and whatever team he is on.”
Toone said that Cade showed initiative to finish his project and reminded Cade that this is just the beginning of the trail. Toone said, “The principles you learned in scouting will help you in your future. Remember the Scout Law to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. These are Christ like attributes and will help you in your future.