An Eagle Court of Honor was held for Tauaimalo Fiso, Kristopher Leavitt, and Keaton Lee, members of Troop 2998 sponsored by the Mesquite Seventh Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their Eagle projects were as follows: Tau painted the doors at the Sunshine Academy Preschool and painted line on the sidewalk at the front of the school for the students to line up. Keaton built a sign for the Bunkerville Cemetery. They will be juniors at Virgin Valley High School this fall. Tau was a member of the football, wrestling and track team and was sophomore historian. Kris played basketball and Keaton was a member of the football team. Each scout earned 21 merit badges for their Eagle Award and at least 5 more merit badges and will receive a bronze palm. Tau is the son of Jennifer and Gaosi Fiso, Kris is the son of Todd and Keri Leavitt and Keaton is the son of Sam and Shaunna Lee.
Alex Blazzard, chartered organization representative from Mesquite 7th t ward, was the speaker and explained what a scout had to accomplish to earn the Eagle Rank: 21 merit badges must be earned, training in first aid, and citizenship, outdoor skills and 20 nights of camping are among the requirements. Blazzard said, “Less than 1% of the scouts that start on the Trail to Eagle reach the Eagle Rank which is 1 in 100 registered scouts. The most important requirement is to ‘demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Law and Oath.’ Blazzard concluded with, “Remember and live by the guiding principles and you will be successful!”
Ryan Toone, chairman of the Eagle Board, told about what best friends these 3 youth were as they camped together and worked together. “They worked on the trail to Eagle in rain and sunshine and challenged each other to complete the eagle projects which were all significant projects. They are hard workers and never complained about doing service projects. They will be of great service to God, their family and our nation, “he said.
Toone asked the three scouts to raise their right hand and repeat the Eagle Scout Charge saying, “I pledge to follow the Scout Oath and Law and look for ways to serve others, to honor my priesthood and uphold our God given Constitution that has made our nation great. I will make my training, example and influence count strongly in my community, family and nation.” Toone reminded them that it is an honor and privilege and responsibility to receive the Eagle Award and challenged them to assist others scouts in climbing the trail to Eagle.
The fathers then pinned the Eagle ribbon on their sons. Tau, Keaton and Kris presented pins to their mothers and father in recognition of their support and help with merit badges and projects. Tau, Keaton and Kris presented mentor pins to Toone in appreciation for helping them and taking them camping. The scouts received pocket knives engraved with the words, ‘Eagle Scout’ as a remembrance of their completed the requirements for Eagle. They were escorted to the Eagle’s nest by eagle scouts as follows: Tim Maui’a escorted Tau, Seth Saterfield escorted Kris and Sam Lee escorted Keaton.
Bishop Graves of the Mesquite 7th ward said he went on the 50-mile hike with the 3 scouts and “if they can make that they can do anything. It is an honor to know them and they are a great addition to our community.”