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Littlefield Scouts

Beth King

Some of the Littlefield Cub Scouts earned awards. Both Kenny and Kye earned the Fur, Feathers and Ferns adventure belt loop. They had to complete the one mile walk to earn the award. They did it! Corben has reached the ripe old age of 10 and passed all of the Bear requirements. He received his Bear patch, his Cyber Chip, and he relinquished his Bear neckerchief and slide, which was replaced by a Webelos neckerchief and slide. The Webelos have been working on an adventure but have not yet completed it. No Cub Scout leaves a pack meeting without something so Taj and Skyler, as well as the other Cubs, received some ZolliPops and ZaffiTaffy to help freshen their mouths when they can't brush their teeth. Just trying to help them stay clean. Certainly proud of these Cubs and their leaders. They were all great sports and participated and got to have refreshments (served out of garbage cans). I LOVE CUB SCOUTS!

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