Riley Waite received his Eagle Scout Award at a court of Honor. He is a member of Venture Crew 2041 sponsored by the Bunkerville 1st Ward Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For his project he stuccoed, painted and rocked the shed at the Bunkerville Cemetery. He is a sophomore at Virgin Valley High School where he is a member of the football, basketball and baseball teams. He is the son of Stephen and Emily Waite. Riley also received the bronze palm which represents 5 more merit badges in addition to the 21 required for Eagle Scout.
Ryan Toone, Eagle Board Chairman, invited all those in attendance who had received their Eagle to come and form the Eagle’s nest. Riley five uncles, his father, his cousin and his scout leader formed the Eagle’s nest.
David Waite, his uncle, gave him the Eagle Charge by saying, “I charge you to be a guide to others and be an example in your community. Your actions will be conspicuous and people expect more of you. You are now part of the brotherhood of scouting and need to hold up the ideals of honesty and service.” Waite asked Riley to repeat the scout oath and law to reaffirm his obligations and responsibility. “These are the same words you used when you joined scouting, but they will mean more to you tonight as you pledge yourself on your sacred honor and you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the Code of the Eagle Scout with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence. “
Riley then repeated the promise taking upon himself the obligations and responsibilities of the rank of Eagle Scout and ending with, “On my honor, I will do my best to make my training and example, my rank and my influence count strongly for better citizenship in my troop, my church, in my community and my contact with other people; to this I pledge my word of honor!”
Aaron Waite, an uncle, presented the Eagle awards and certificate. Riley gave his mother and father pins in appreciation of their help along the trail to Eagle. Riley presented mentor pins to Chris Allen and Brogan Felshaw, his scout leaders. Toone presented Riley with a pocket knife engraved with “Eagle Scout” as a gift from the Virgin River Valley BSA.