Saturday, August 19 girls aged 8-12 years from the Mesquite Nevada Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathered for a day of fun. Under the direction of the Stake Primary Presidency more than 70 girls met in and around the Stake Center for instructional classes, games, and preparation for the Open House and Dedication of the nearby Cedar City, Utah temple. As President Gina Zarate explained “With the new temple so close and knowing that many families will be traveling to visit it during the open house and that we will have the opportunity of viewing the dedication from here, we wanted the children to be excited and prepared for this wonderful experience.”
Throughout the day the girls rotated from class to class to outside where they got to shoot BB guns and try their hands at archery.
Sister Bernice Fiso was entertaining as she taught the girls a Hawaiian dance and helped them understand how different types of music effect our moods and spirits,
Sister Chelsie Abbott and Sister Casey Abbott instructed the wisdom of using their time and developing their talents.
Sister Suzi Frehner and her daughter Sister Ashlie Bunker taught the girls how to make and keep good friends.
The fun and games at the Heritage Park were wrangled by Brother Doug Waite and Brother Brent Hughes and involved BB guns and bows and arrows.
Sister Jamie Jones directed the lunch crew and fed the crowd of hungry girls in great style.
Sister Zarate summed it up “The presenters were awesome! The girls loved them and I think everyone had a great time.”