As Brother Nathan Porter, Seminary Principal stated in his remarks “the 164 students recognized at the graduation ceremony represented 164 teenagers regularly reading scriptures. “It’s an impressive number of young people seeking to learn more about and to come to know their Savior Jesus Christ.
Sunday, June 4, 2017 Brother Porter with seminary teachers Kris Bingham, Janet Dodenbier, and Darrel Garlick joined bishops and the Stake presidency to present diplomas, certificates of completion and certificates of attendance to students of the Mesquite Nevada Stake Seminary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The ceremony and program was organized and conducted by the Seminary Council who are Emma Barnum, Shalee Hafen, Jace Haviland, Reid Jensen, Emily Leavitt, Kennedi Ludvigson, and Britton Wilson.
Thirty-two seniors graduated and received diplomas from all wards and branches in the valley. Younger students were recognized for their completed work this school year.