Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk from April 2010, entitled “Your Happily Ever After,” was the inspiration behind the theme we chose for our New Beginnings. We called it our “Pageant of Values.” Transforming the Relief Society room into a beautiful showroom with lights on low, the staging area in the front of the room being lit with strings of patio lighting and chair backs adorned with value-colored tulle bows, a tea-light lit white carpet runway added to the setting as our Young Women (dressed up as Disney princesses) then made their entrance, being introduced one at a time as they walked up the runway and took their places at the front of the room.
Our panel of judges, Bishop Kevin Jensen, Ron Crossman and Don Barnum, quizzed each princess about different aspects of the Young Women program. As part of the questioning, the princesses each shared a value experience/project she has done or is working on. Each princess was then awarded a “value” based on her answers and was presented with a sash by the YW president, Victoria Hafen.
Our princesses were Cinderella (Sarah Barnum-Faith), Sleeping Beauty (Kaitlyn Reber-Divine Nature), Moana (Bella Sonnenberg-Individual Worth), Merida (Sarah Walters-Virtue), Belle (Mira Larsen-Knowledge), Elsa (Margaret Hafen-Choice & Accountability), Rapunzel (Abbie Barnum-Integrity), Snow White (Eris Lewis-Good Works).
The 4 New Beehives that will be joining us this year were then spotlighted and presented with a “princess” sash and a tiara. The evening was concluded with remarks by the bishop, and paparazzi (Autumn LaForce, adviser) doing photo shoots.
Disney-themed refreshments of value-colored frozen bananas and pineapple sherbet floats were served.