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VV Scout Recognition Dinner

Writer's picture: Mesquite Nevada StakesMesquite Nevada Stakes

The annual Scout Leader Recognition Dinner was held for all the scout leaders in the Virgin River Valley. Castina Woolsey was the recipient of the Award of Merit Plaque for her service in the cub scout program. She was Cub Scout Day Camp director for 4 years, Webelo Den leaders for 6 years, and has also served as a Bear and Wolf Den Leader. She was cubmaster for 12 years and served as Cub Round Table Commissioner.

Charles Lee and Rene Layton received the 2nd miler award for their service. Rene Layton has been Bear Leader, 11-year-old leader, Advancement Chairman in Unit 2042 sponsored the Littlefield Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Four of the 5 scouts that started with Layton as cubs went on to become Eagle Scouts. Charles Lee, an Eagle Scout and Duty to God recipient, has served as a Scout Master in Troop 2488, and a Chartered Organization Representative for Mesquite 3rd Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was the chairman of the Scouting for Food Drive in November that benefitted the Salvation Army Food Bank. Lee was also awarded the Cub Leader Recognition Certificate, the Scout Master’s Key and the Boy Scout Trainer Award.

Lester Miller, former Long Beach area BSA Council President, was the guest speaker. He is a Silver Beaver and a WWII Veteran – serving as 1st Lt. in the 9th Infantry Division and then in the engineering Battalion in Germany. He took his scouts to the national BSA Jamboree in Pennsylvania and to the Word BSA Jamboree in Norway in 1995. He started Troop 14 when his son and a few other scouts when they turned 12 and the troop grew to 30 and then to 50 scouts; 19 of these went on to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout. Miller said, “We encouraged the scouts to advance by requiring that they advance one rank to be able to qualify to attend summer camp. The following year the scout had to advance another rank to go on special trips. We did a canoe trip of 8 days one summer. We hiked the Grand Canyon down the South Rim and the next year we hiked Mt. Whitney. We hiked Mr. Whitney twice while I was scoutmaster, going up the north side once also. In 1993 we went to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to the Nation Jamboree and in 1997 to the National Jamboree in Pennsylvania. We as leaders helped the scouts always have a goal in mind. The Scout Oath applies to all of us too.” Miller said his advice to the leaders was, “The best memory you will have is to help a scout become a good member of your community!”

Mr. Miller was presented with a handmade knife as a token of appreciation for speaking at the recognition dinner. The knife was made by Brent Hughes, scoutmaster of Troop 2483.

Keith Belnap, Scout Committee Chairman for Troop 2640, was honored for his 70 years as a registered scouter. He was given a framed collage of pictures of his scout activities and will be presented with a 70 year pin.

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