The Mesquite Nevada Stake Primary Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held an all-day event Saturday September 10th. More than 100 Girls ages 8 through 11 years spent the day participating in activities that strengthened their relationship with their Heavenly Father and help them recognize their self-worth. They were taught ways to serve others, instructed in ways to remain physically fit and healthy, and assembled over 250 hygiene kits for the local Salvation Army. The theme of the day was Secret Service. The girls learned how to observe and listen to their hearts so that they are better prepared to serve in their families, church, and communities. They heard from presenters who shared ways on how even one young girl can make a difference.
Gina Zarate, the Stake Primary President said “I believe the girls had a lot of fun whether they were running an obstacle course, doing Zumba, shooting BB guns, eating spaghetti or sitting quietly in classes.”
The leaders felt it was important for the girls this age to understand they need to look beyond themselves and find opportunities to serve.
Presenters and classes:
Heather Blazzard/ introduction to the theme Secret SERVICE agents
Amanda Jensen- Zumba/ taking care of your body so you can serve
Cresent Marchant- Self Worth
Tonya Walker- obstacle course
Mark Tichenor- BB Guns
Jamie Jones- Service project/ good Samaritan
Lynne Anderson- First observe then serve.
Kena Toone- Etiquitte