Mark Larsen received his Eagle Scout Award at a Court of Honor on Oct. 25. He is a member of Varsity Team 2640 sponsored by the Mesquite 6th Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His project was building a wooden bridge over the South Fork of the Muddy River at Warm Springs Park. His favorite merit badges were shotgun and orienteering. He was on the junior staff at Camp Kolob for 2 summers helping the 12-13-year-old scouts earn merit badges; the wilderness survival merit badge in particular. He is a freshman at Virgin Valley High School. He is the son of CJ Larsen and the late Monte Larsen. Monte, a profession hunter and trapper, taught Mark his wilderness craft, hunting and trapping which Mark continues to follow by trapping and selling hides in the winter.
Charlie Lee, Chartered Organization Representative from Unit spoke about Mark and his Eagle Project.“Mark has been at 3 summer camps where I served as scoutmaster and COR and I have seen how he has grown in strength of character. Today holds a special place in my heart because I honor Mark for achieving the rank of Eagle and because today was his father’s birthday. If your dad were here, he would say, ‘I am proud of you also’. Mark’s project was a lot of extra work and Mark showed leadership in organizing a large group to help with the bridge. Mark is not afraid of work and the bridge is a tribute to him his extra efforts. "
Stephen Walters, his advisor, gave Mark the Eagle Charge and reminded him to live with honor for honor is the foundation of character. He continued, “Your actions and example will reflect on your home community troop and country and the white of the badge represents honor. The blue of the badge represents loyalty – Be true to your brother scout and carry your load; do your duty to God and your country. The Red of the badge stands for courage; courage in physical danger and standing for right. The scroll turned up at the corners reminds you to be cheerful. The Eagle suspended from the ribbon is a symbol of protection - to remind you to look for ways to protect the innocent and those that need your help. Wear the badge with dignity and pride and add humility; let the Eagle be a guide for tomorrow. To this I asked you to pledge your sacred honor just as the signer of the Declaration pledged their lives and their sacred honor.” Walters had Mark repeat the Scout Oath signifying his acceptance of his responsibility and obligation to live the Scout Oath and Law.
Kristopher Jarrett, Mark’s brother, presented the Eagle Award and certificate. Mark gave his mother a pin to thank her for her help and support on the trail to eagle. Mark presented mentor pins to neighbors and scout leaders who helped him: Steve Siegrist, Dave Teschner, Don Barnum and Stephen Walters. Kyle Memmott, Eagle Board Chairman, presented Mark with a pocket knife engraved with the words Eagle Scout, to remind him of the Scout Oath and Law.