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Lorin Reber Earns His Eagle

Dena Hoff

Lorin Reber received his Eagle Scout Award at a ceremony on Saturday July 23, 2016. He is a member of Venture Crew 2640 sponsored by the Mesquite Sixth Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His Eagle project was building a fence around the community garden on Hafen Lane. Lorin earned 31 merit badges including a bronze and gold palm. He graduated from Virgin Valley High School and will serve a mission to Mexico for the LDS church. He is the son of Jennifer and Larry Reber.

Mern Hafen, a fellow Eagle Scout, spoke about scouting and how it builds character, self-reliance and teaches ethical standard. “Eagle project give approximately 13.5 million hours of service to communities and about 30 million is donated to fund the Eagle project in the United States. Eagle Scouts value family relations, and continue to serve their communities. Many Eagle Scouts find themselves in real life situations using the skills they learned in scouting. Scouting helps young men find good reliable friends and resist peer pressure,” Hafen said.

Bishop Kevin Jensen gave Lorin the Eagle Charge and had him repeat and reaffirm his commitment to the Scout Oath. “As an Eagle Scout you have undertaken a solemn obligation and responsibility to lead only to the best and lift up every task you do to the highest. I challenge you to dedicate your skills to the common good and finest living and do your duty to God and to be a good example to your fellow scouts. Serve an honorable mission for your church and return and help the younger scouts on the trail.”

Lorin presented his parents with pins to thank them for their help in scouting. His mother pinned the Eagle Award on Lorin. He presented mentor pins to those that helped him with merit badges and his project – Merlin Hafen, Bishop Kevin Jensen, Kelton Chamberlain, Matt Reber and his grandparents, Pat and Sam Reber. Mark Tichenor, Virgin Valley District Chairman BSA, presented him with a pocketknife engraved with the words, “Eagle Scout” to remind him of his obligations to continue to live the Scout Oath and Law.

Tichenor said, “Lorin took the lead on the rifle range at Camp Kolob helping the younger scouts; I depended on him at summer camp.”

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