Colton Mickelson received his Eagle Scout Award at a Court of Honor on June 3, 2016. He is a member of Venture Crew 2488 sponsored by the Mesquite 3rd Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His Eagle project was refurbishing theroof and eves of the pavilion at Heritage Park. He earned 30 merit badges on his trail to Eagle Scout and only 21 are required.
He graduated the day before from Virgin Valley High School where he participated in Future Farmers of America and band andis now planning to serve a mission for his church. He is the son of Tracy and Kameron Mickelson.
Kameron’s dad, spoke about how Colton has grown in his leadership skills. When Colton was 11 he and Dacen Cox wanted to climbMt. Whitney, the highest peak in the US. They had to put their names in the lottery and then they and their dads went on several
pre-hikes to prepare. The hike was 2 days of strenuous climbing from 8,000 ft. to the top of 14,495 feet with 96 switchbacks. Coltonwas ready to quit and they were all feeling the effect of the high altitude. Kameron gave his son the choice of turning back but he reminded him, “You can always tell yourself that you’ll come back and do it again but the chances are slim for most people when theysay that. You can choose to go back if you don’t feel well, but I don’t want you to wonder if you could have done it.” They proceeded to the top without any more trouble and Colton’s exclamation was, “It was so totally worth it!” Colton has been on 4 different 50 mile hikeswith the scouts in Virgin Valley and last year led some of the scouts when his dad had to return for some gear left behind. “I have watched Colton become a leader and he has walked the path and done everything fully and completely along the trail to Eagle.
Ken Carter, Colton’s grandfather, gave him the Eagle Charge. He asked the audience to take the challenge to live the scout oath and law also. He said, “Lord Baden Powell wanted scouts to have a happy life and look at the bright side and give out happiness. Be prepared to live happyand stick to your scout promise. Earning the Eagle Scout Badge is an honor and also a responsibility, “Carter said. “You have a solemn obligation to God and you fellow scouts to uphold the 12 points of the scout law and as you do you will bring honor to yourself and your fellow scouts.America’s greatness depends on the quality of its citizens. Lead only to the best that is in you and hold before you the high ideals of honor and dedicating yourself to the common good, to honest work, unselfish service and reverence to God. Colton repeated the last of the Eagle Chargewith the words the signers of the Declaration used, “I accept the obligation and responsibility of the rank of Eagle Scout and will make my example and my rank and influence count strongly for better citizenship in my troop, my community and my country; to this I pledge my sacred honor!”
Colton’s mother pinned the Eagle medal on her son and Colton presented his parents with pins to thank them for their help in achieving this rank. Colton presented the mentor’s pin to Charlie Lee, his scoutmaster. Mark Tichenor, district commissioner representing Virgin River Valley Boy Scouts of America, presented Colton with a pocket knife engraved with Eagle Scout.