Tanner Craig Empey received his Eagle Scout Award at a Court of Honor on May 21, 2016. He is a member of Troop 2041 sponsored by the Bunkerville 1st Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Tanner’s Eagle Project was replacing the chain link fence at the Bunkerville Park. He is a freshman at Virgin Valley High School and was a member of the football and track teams. Cindy and Craig Empey are his parents. Tanner said, “My favorite merit badges were wilderness survival and rifle shooting. We had to make a very big shelter for the group and we slept comfortably all night.”
Brogan Felshaw, the guest speaker, said Tanner exemplifies the 12 points of the scout law in his actions. He asked Tanner to go a step farther, “Study the 12 points of the law and then do it!” Felshaw continued, “The scout motto is Be Prepared; be prepared for what? A mission for your church, college a test in school? Prepare before so that you are ready for each of these and other events that will come.” He also admonished Tanner to live the Scout Oath and remember his duty to God and Country. “Put the needs of other above your own and you will be living the Scout Oath and Law,” Felshaw said.
Bishop Vern Pollock gave Tanner the Eagle Charge saying, “You have a responsibility to God and country. America has many fine points but it depends on quality of its citizens. I charge you to lead only to the best and dedicate yourself to the common good with clean living, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God.”
Brian Haviland, representing the Virgin River BSA, presented Tanner with his certificate. Tanner’s mother pinned the Eagle Badge on him. Tanner presented his parents with pins and the mentor pin he presented to Chis Allen, his scoutmaster, saying, “Chris has taught me many good and useful leadership skills and has been a great example to me.”