Women's Conference
The Relief Society of the Mesquite Nevada Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held its annual Women’s Conference January 30th, 2016 The theme of “Becoming More” gave the attendees an opportunity to meet and learn of ways they could enhance their efforts to follow the Savior more closely and become more like Him. Throughout the day classes were offered for the women to choose from as they wished. The subjects ranged from spiritual subjects like becoming true Disciples of Christ and fulfilling their sacred responsibilities as divine women to practical subjects such as keeping our families safe from pornography and raising teenagers in today’s world. The well attended classes also included topics such as anxiety and depression, health and relaxation tips, and improving marriages.
The day started with Lauri Hughes, Stake Relief Society president, explaining the theme and introducing the keynote speaker, Stake President David Anderson who gave an inspiring talk about how we all could “Become More”. A break in the classes at noon brought everyone together for a wonderful lunch catered by Debra Baker. Entertainment was provided by the delightful duo The Laughing Moms.