They are the first 3 Eagle Scouts from Troop 87. Boy Scout Troop 87, sponsored by the Virgin Valley Spanish Branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held a special Court of Honor on Sunday, January 26, 2014, at the LDS chapel 100 North Arrowhead, to honor three young men who earned Scouting's highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout. There were 65 in attendance, including many Scouts and their families.
Edgar Silveyra, 18, completed all of the requirements for Eagle, which included a service project. His project was re-striping the parking lot of the Mesa View Regional Hospital. He was assisted by several Scouts and adults.
Fernando Gonzalez, 17, also completed all of the requirements for Eagle, which included a service project. The project consisted of painting the curbs red for the No Parking zones at the Sports Complex for the City of Mesquite. Many Scouts and some adults helped with this project.

Kevin Zúñiga, 17, completed the requirements for Eagle Scout, including a service project for the City of Mesquite and the Mesquite Fire Department. He and his team of 10 Scouts re-painted approximately 45 fire hydrants and the red curbing nearby each one. Congratulations Eagle Scouts!