The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is pleased to announce the appointment of six new Missionaries to represent the Church in the Virgin Valley area, including Beaver Dam, Littlefield, Scenic, Mesquite, and Bunkerville. The Mesquite Stake is home to over 4,800 LDS members. There are five buildings in which twelve different congregations attend their meetings each week. The only exceptions to the regular meetings are twice per year for the Church's World Wide Conferences, also broadcast to this area by satellite to selected Chapels, Internet, and Cable TV. The Stake Center is on North Arrowhead Lane, near the center of Mesquite. The Church welcomes interested visitors to any of the congregational meetings. Information on meeting times and location can be heard by calling the Information Line,702-346-8888. Missionaries come from locations all over the World. They come as volunteers, where some speak different languages, and all have a wide variety of experiences. Elder Chase is from Connecticut and is the District Leader in this area, Elder Pryor is from Idaho, Sister Balboa is from Hawaii and speaks English and Spanish, Sister Call is from Guatemala and speaks Spanish and English. Two of the Missionaries are from Mesquite, Elder McNeal, who was born and raised in Nebraska, and Sister McNeal, who was born and raised in Brazil and who speaks both Portuguese and English. All of the Missionaries listed in this article are authorized representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and can answer any questions that you may have about the Church or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder Chase and Elder Pryor can be reached at (702) 862 - 0978. Sister Balboa and Sister Call can be reached at(435) 826 - 0931. Elder and Sister McNeal can be reached at (308) 746 - 5283.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is pleased to announce the appointment of six new Missionaries to represent the Church in the Virgin Valley area, including Beaver Dam, Littlefield, Scenic, Mesquite, and Bunkerville. The Mesquite Stake is home to over 4,800 LDS members. There are five buildings in which twelve different congregations attend their meetings each week. The only exceptions to the regular meetings are twice per year for the Church's World Wide Conferences, also broadcast to this area by satellite to selected Chapels, Internet, and Cable TV. The Stake Center is on North Arrowhead Lane, near the center of Mesquite. The Church welcomes interested visitors to any of the congregational meetings. Information on meeting times and location can be heard by calling the Information Line,702-346-8888. Missionaries come from locations all over the World. They come as volunteers, where some speak different languages, and all have a wide variety of experiences. Elder Chase is from Connecticut and is the District Leader in this area, Elder Pryor is from Idaho, Sister Balboa is from Hawaii and speaks English and Spanish, Sister Call is from Guatemala and speaks Spanish and English. Two of the Missionaries are from Mesquite, Elder McNeal, who was born and raised in Nebraska, and Sister McNeal, who was born and raised in Brazil and who speaks both Portuguese and English. All of the Missionaries listed in this article are authorized representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and can answer any questions that you may have about the Church or the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elder Chase and Elder Pryor can be reached at (702) 862 - 0978. Sister Balboa and Sister Call can be reached at(435) 826 - 0931. Elder and Sister McNeal can be reached at (308) 746 - 5283.