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Silver Beaver Awards

Writer's picture: Mesquite Nevada StakesMesquite Nevada Stakes

Silver Beaver recipients, Craig B. Haderlie, Bevan Reber, and Duane Thurston, from Virgin River Valley District of the BSA were honored at the Annual Silver Beaver Dinner for the Las Vegas Area Council BSA in Las Vegas on March 7, 2015. They are scout leaders in units in Mesquite and Bunkerville sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Silver Beaver Award is a national Scouting award presented by a local Scout council. The award is presented for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered scouters within the council. The Las Vegas Council has 19,750 registered scouts and 7,000 adult leaders and covers the greater Las Vegas area, the Colorado River Basin of Arizona and California. There were 22 recipients of the Silver Beaver for 2014 and three of them are from Virgin River Valley District. Leaders are nominated by a committee in each of the 10 districts in the LVAC and then the final selections are made by the Silver Beaver committee at the council level.

Craig Haderlie currently serves as Chartered Organization Representative for Unit 41. His previous positions in scouting include District Commissioner, Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and Venture Leaders. He has earned the District Award of Merit, Duty to God Award, Commissioner's Key and Arrowhead Award. Craig is an Eagle Scout with two palms. As District Commissioner, Craig helped organize the formation of a new commissioner crew. He coordinated training and encouraged the volunteers to move forward in their new assignments. Thanks to his dedication and support in training leaders, the Virgin River Valley District achieved the top award of Gold for the 3rd year in a row in the Journey to Excellence program. Craig is an active leader in his community.

Bevan M. Reber is Scoutmaster for Troop 40 and also serves as a Unit Commissioner and Committee member for Crew 40. Bevan has previously served as Assistant Scoutmaster, District Commissioner, Varsity Coach, Merit Badge Counselor, Chartered Organization Representative and Bishop of the Mesquite 1st Ward of the LDS church. He has earned the District Award of Merit. Focused on training, Bevan has worked hard to be prepared in all of his Scouting responsibilities. He is strongly committed and determined to provide a quality program for his young men. He provides leadership and works tirelessly to plan and supervise all aspects of the Scouting program. Bevan has been active in his community and helped plan and organize Mesquite Days Celebrations for several years.

Duane L. Thurston, an Order of the Arrow member, is Scoutmaster for Troop 596 and Committee Member for Crew 596. Duane's previous scouting positions include Assistant Scoutmaster, Unit Commissioner, District Summer Camp Support Staff, Merit Badge Counselor, Chartered Organization Representative and Merit Badge POW WOW chairman. The local POW WOW is the most significant merit badge event for the scouts in the Virgin River Valley and without it; many boys would miss out on advancement opportunities. Duane has earned the District Award of Merit and his Wood Badge Beads. His enthusiasm for Scouting has influenced his family as both sons have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He has also served the youth of his community for many years as coordinator and instructor for radKIDS, a program committed to providing education that enhances the ability for children and parents to protect them themselves from harm. He is an active leader in his community. These three men are representative of the stalwart leaders we have in the scouting program in the Virgin River Valley, thanks to all those that volunteer in helping the youth in our communities.

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