Seven Webelos from Pack 8 received their arrow of light at a ceremony held on Thursday, December 18. 2014 The Webelos who advanced to boy scouts are: Kobe Romero, Allen Villanueva, Braden Vincent, Estaban Gasca, Ethan Richards, A.J. Mendez and Martin Cordero. Akela, dressed in his full Indian head dress presented each scout with an arrow with a white feather tipped in black to remind them of what they have accomplished and what they can go on to accomplish in scouting. Akela was represented by Kelton Chamberlain, a veteran scouter. Each boy was presented with a framed certificate and patch to wear on their scout shirt by their leader, Jennifer Tichenor and master of ceremonies, Dave West. The Webelos crossed the bridge made of 12 planks represented the 12 points of the scout law and they were welcomed into Troop 60 by boy scouts in that troop. At the pack meeting the Tiger Cubs put on a skit in which Santa told them that he had been a cub scout too. The first year Webelos played Christmas music on their chimes. Many of the scouts there earned their Cyber Chip patch which signifies that they know how to safely use the internet and have good manners when using the internet and cell phones. The scouts were also able to play and exciting game of Ga Ga ball in an inflatable ring thanks to Ryan Moon, Field Service director from the Las Vegas Area Council BSA.