Many of those that gathered October 26, 2014 for the Genealogy Jamboree at the Mesquite Nevada Stake Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were old hands at research. They had come to learn more methods and improve their skills at finding their ancestors and filling out their family trees. Among the 170 attendees were those who wanted to try new areas of research like the class on Descendancy. It opens the way to find cousins you never knew you had. One participant was excited about this aspect of research and couldn't wait to get home to follow up on his ancestral line. A variety of classes helped the students learn things like how to fill in the family trees with photos, store their information via the Cloud, start a blog to find links to other's research, how to use web sites that deal in genealogy, and tips on using census records for Great Britain and Ireland.
While being served lunch the attendees were able to visit booths set up around the hall that dealt with resources available locally to aid in their research. The Daughters of the American Revolution shared information dealing with early families of New England. The Virgin Valley Heritage Museum displayed some of their vintage family photos, information of original valley families, and introduced their online catalog of historical materials which can be found at The Family Search Center showed how to make a family fan chart and offered to help all those interested to come to the center at 100 North Arrowhead Street. The center can be reached by calling 702-346-2342. Researching ones family history has never been so easy. It can be done right from your own home with just a little help and instruction from the knowledgeable researchers at the Family Search Center. This information is free to the public. There is an ever expanding resource of records that are being indexed and made available to use in research. If at one time you felt you could not find members of your family tree it may well have changed because of the millions of records coming out of archives and storage and being made available online.

Ushers: Brian Haviland and Barclay Smith