The Genealogy Jamboree was held last Saturday at the Mesquite Stake Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Kena Toone, the coordinator of the event was pleased with the response and impressed with the quality of the teachers and presenters. “I think that was our real strong point. The classes were packed with information to help those who want to research their families.” She even brought in her brother-in-law, Trent Toone, a reporter for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City to teach a class on interviewing people and then writing interesting stories about their lives and memories to add to family histories. Kena added “And teachers learned things too! Krista Garner who taught a class on finding and organizing primary source material such as birth and death certificates made at least 10 new discoveries on her family line just while demonstrating the methods.”
Committee members who helped make the day a big success were Kaye Woolley who organized the Youth Camp and nursery for kids while their parents were attending classes, Cammy Meierhoff arranged a wonderful display of historic quilts, Dena Hoff took care of publicity, Ammon Arave was the internet and tech expert, and Jennifer Tichenor was in charge of getting sponsorships.
About 200 people participated in the event, ate the lunch provided and came away inspired to start or keep doing family history research. On going classes, assistance and computers are available at the Family Search Center at the Mesquite Nevada Stake building located at 100 North Arrowhead Street in Mesquite. These services are freely offered and sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Family Search Center telephone number is 346-2342. The hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9am to 9pm and Friday 9am to 1pm.