"Come unto Christ" is the 2014 theme for the youth (ages 12-18) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Approximately 300 youth from the church gathered on the evening of February 12, 2014 to talk Standards. The youth were divided into three groups and met in three different buildings located in Bunkerville and Mesquite.
The evening began with a devotional at each building. All groups heard from local members of the church on a variety of topics. The oldest group (ages 16-18) received wonderful counsel on the topic of "Remaining Valiant and Going Forward With Faith". Those aged 14-15, were counseled on the importance of "Feasting on the Words of Christ". The youngest group (ages 12-13) learned how to be a good friend and how to better socialize with others.
At the end of the devotional all the youth watched a video entitled "Come Unto Christ". It portrays youth struggling to make it through some of life's challenges and how their lives are changed as they determine to make Jesus Christ a part of their lives through prayer, scripture study, repentance and service. Many of the youth commented on how much they enjoyed the video.
Following the devotional all the youth enjoyed a dinner and time to socialize with one another. It was a fun, inspiring evening for all who participated. The events for the evening were planned and carried out by local youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We wish to express appreciation to those men and women who took time to help that evening by speaking, setting up technical equipment and preparing and serving food.