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Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Kaden List

the honeymoon phase


What is up my people, welcome to the council! How are you doing? Pls email me and pls tell me EVERYTHING!!!

Today is my last Pday in the MTC!!! So let me update you on the last three weeks!

Weeks 1-3

super exciting because once you start you. do. not. stop. I love it. I’m lucky if I get a second to stop and think about what the h*ck is even going on. We do a LOT of roleplaying and I can’t help but laugh every time. I am not meant to be an actress :/

My district is so funny and my companion ROCKS!!! She’s a go getter and I show up for classes an hour late. She’s organized and put together and I run around with my head cut off every single day. She plans our days and I just smile and wave boys. We get along GR8 though! She teaches me how to run around with my head on and I teach her how to relax a little bit (and then she regrets it and hates me afterwards #streaksdonthmu)

My district?????? SO FUNNY! Like??? How did I get so lucky??? They make the 12-7pm classes a party and we all know how much I like a good party. I love them and I am SO UPSET none of them are coming to Kansas with me. I’ll get over it just give me a second.

A normal day looks like this

6am: wake up and do something more than dream of your mansions above > 7am: plan our day > 8 - 10am: workshops, meetings, study, prep (maybe cry if I’m feeling up to it) > 11am: practice lessons and teaching > 12-7pm: classes > 7-10:30pm: cry because I’m so unorganized and stressed and my companion should've raised me better. Totally self inflicted so don’t feel bad for me.

BEING A MISSIONARY IS THE BEST THING EVER. I wear this name tag like a GIRL BOSS! There’s something so peaceful and comforting about being a missionary (even though I seem to cry a lot -HAPPY TEARS). But on a real note, this gospel is sooooo true NOTHING makes me happier. Jesus Christ lives and He is so aware of us!! God is good, so so good. I’m so excited to get to Kansas. I’m so excited to meet the people of Kansas. I love you all, email me!


**quote of the week

“Don’t call me little, I am massive”

- Elder Napoleon

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