Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Sister Dantzel Park
Sunshine Through The Darkness
Well I'm not going to lie, this week was rough. For many reasons. But, even through the hardest moments, there were rays of sunshine shining through. I am so grateful to be a missionary! My quote of the week was "Stay positive".
+I am learning more and more that pday is almost more stressful than other days. That's all :)
+Our day on Tuesday was packed full of good stuff. We invited 2 people to be baptized, found 2 new people to teach, and had 4 lessons with members! That has to be a Ciudad Nueva all time record!!
+I had an interesting phone call this week. The whole conversation went like this “(nombre) we are in your house” (hears giggling in the bathroom) then she said “Im in the bathroom” then we all laughed!!
+We had divis this week again. I learned so much about missionary work and how I can help others come unto Christ.
+I had a really stressful experience yesterday before church. I don't want to get into it but please pray for Alexis…
+Zone Conference! I wore Hermana Mortensen's denim skirt and now I want one! But, I learned a ton from the Zone Conference. I can't wait to apply it.
+ Go friend me on Duolingo :) my name is Hermana Park
+I got told by a homeless man that he loved me… that was about 30 mins ago… I'm still a little creeped out :)
*Spiritual thought*
Today I don't really have something to relate from my email that's super interesting. So I want to talk a little bit about patience.
I have recently been really trying to be more patient. But, I have learned when we strive to do this we receive different trials to help us… It doesn’t feel like it's helping. I still don't know much about the things I have been trying to be patient for but, I know the Lord is patient with me. No matter how many times I screw up, He is there to pick me up. Maybe we feel like we are falling and can't pick up the pieces. But with our broken pieces he makes a stained glass window. At the time we only saw the broken pieces, the sharp edges. Maybe we cut ourselves one too many times. The savior is there using his broken pieces to fill in the gaps. He is merciful and our pieces fit perfectly in the end plan he has in mind. Turn to him, find the bigger picture!
As it says in Alma 26:16
“Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel.”
I know that these things are true. I know that you can find out for yourself if these things are true through the power of prayer. There is a promise in Moroni 10:4 (if you're curious go find out). Find out for yourself what crazy Hermana Park is yaping about all the time. This feeling of peace, joy beyond measure, and tranquility we can't find on our own in life. Search in your heart, pray, ponder on your answer, and Act! You can do it!!
Love you guys so much! You're the best :) Sorry the email is a bit later today… now you can look at the pictures
<3 Hermana Park