Mesquite Nevada Stakes

Elder Drake Wakefield
Dang this week went so fast. We went to the office a lot, as we have to do work there for the whole mission, so that may be why. Me and Elder Hamilton are over reimbursement for everyone in the mission, so we could cook everyone and give them no money haha. We also had a bunch of Janjis or member visits so that was nice too. Oh my we went to an American family's house, let me tell ya, having a home cooked American meal was nothing short of a Tender Mercy. I love the food here but something about mashed potatoes and meat other than chicken was Heaven sent. I was so excited I ate most of it (this is my second plate too haha) before realizing I should take a picture. 10/10 meal, cant top my mom or either grandmas cooking but it was super good.
The rest of the week was basically more Janjis, but something really cool that happened was the work was a little slow and I was trying to think of ways we can find new people who want to learn about Jesus Christ, and as we get to the office on Thursday the sisters who work there found there were around 100 recommendations from members on people we could reach out to as they were interested in learning. Me and my comp received about 7, which is so many for here in Jakarta. What made it even more of a blessing is the guy who seems the most interested, his preferred language is English! That is amazing as this weekend when we meet with him I can actually say what my heart feels. This is a testament that God listens to your heart and prayers, as that was something I was frustrated with. I sit in lessons with Elder Hamilton, he does all the talking as I can only infer what they are talking about and have minimal ways to give input. But with Joel, our new guy, I will be able to actually share my love of Jesus with him! So amazing and I can't wait to meet with him.
Alright talk of the week is:
Standing Together for the Cause of Christ
This talk is really cool as it is basically Elder Holland, who is such a powerful speaker and brings the spirit so strong, he tells what our beliefs are in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost to many Christian leaders. Definitely would recommend it as it goes over some core doctrine. I found this talk as while Facebook finding, I found a group of Christians who were bashing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints saying we aren't Christian as we don't believe in the trinity. This talk answers what our belief in Jesus Christ is, but I think the more important part is when Elder Holland speaks on the conflict between Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church and other Christians churches. What I got out of it is why should we fight about the differences instead of praising the similarities. We should find the common good, instead of the "bad" or our differences. We are Christans, we believe Jesus Christ is our Savior, why can we not rejoice in that wonderful knowledge instead of fighting amongst ourselves. That is not what Jesus would want and is definitely derived from Satan. He is steering our focus to try and defend Jesus, all while we are drifting away from the contention. That is what I felt but it is a great talk so go find out for yourself!
Yea still doing great, the water pistol still works like a charm. Crazy take, but I think I like it better than toilet paper. Might be withdrawals but idk. Yea hope everyone is doing great, stay close to Jesus!
2. This is Sultan, he's a G. He is a returned missionary from here and he showed me a picture of their zone, and it had Stetson Ludvickson in it, so that caught me by surprise haha. But they made us some fire food too.
3. Didn't know California had a fried chicken place
Didn't know California had a fried chicken place